Osgood Schlatter Disease | Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Taping
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Osgood Schlatter disease is a common condition causing knee pain, which usually strikes adolescents who are active during their growth spurts, that 2-year period where kids grow rapidly. It is not unheard of to see Osgood Schlatter in adults, especially if left untreated when younger. It has a similar pathology to Sever's disease. Activities involving repetitive movements such as jumping and running are the main culprits. But we want to keep our kids active, so here we explain how our physiotherapists can diagnose and treat Osgood Schlatters, including effective taping techniques.
Osgood Schlatter disease symptoms
- Local pain, swelling and tenderness over the tibial tuberosity (in front of the knee under the knee cap)
- Pain is experienced during exercise or with direct contact, such as kneeling
- Can happen to both knees (20-30% of cases)
- Growth of a tender lump at the front of the knee over time
How do you know if you have Osgood Schlatter disease?
Based on the history and symptoms of the injury presented, a “frontline” physiotherapist will perform several tests to confirm the diagnosis; you don't need a referral to come to see us! Sometime other imaging such as X-ray, MRI and bone scan can help with diagnosis, which your Engadine Physio can refer for you if needed.
Osgood Schlatter treatment
Treatment is based on eliminating pain and restoring normal foot and leg biomechanics.
- Pain relief & control
- Rest (24-72 hrs)
- ICE (20 minutes on and off)
- Compression (bandage)
- Elevation (above heart)
- Series of exercises to mobilize the hip, knee and ankle
- Strengthen lower leg muscles, which stabilize the hip and knee
- Load management when playing sports
- Application of athletic taping to support the knee
- Can be prescribed custom fitted arch support (orthotics) to help distribute pressure to your feet more evenly
- Coaching for lifestyle remedies:
- Choosing supportive shoes
- Eliminating worn-out athletic shoes or cleats
Osgood Schlatter Taping
In this short video, I will show you how you can tape your patella tendon with sports tape to help with growing pain:
Alternatively, some people find relief from generalised knee pain using this technique Tom demonstrates here: